Player's Pieces
Mr. Blue's Pieces
Mr. Green's Pieces
Mrs. Yellow's Pieces
How to play:
- You are the red player.
- Your first move must cover a corner square.
- Each new piece must be placed so that it touches at least one other piece of the same color, corner to corner (i.e. segments of the same color cannot occupy adjacent squares).
- Goal: be the last player able to make a move.
Oh, I Get it!
About... this:
- Q. Who are you?
- A. I'm Adam Kempa.
- Q. Why did you do this?
- A. As a nerdy exercise in keeping current with what can be done in javascript. And also for fun.
- Q. Did you use any of those Javascript "Libraries?"
- A. Yes, I used JQuery here and there. But mostly just horrifically inefficient original code.
- Q. I found a bug!
- A. Hm. Let me know I guess. No promises, though.
This is a test notification