The latest from Japanese awesomeness creators Maywa Denki: the Otamatone.
Like a stylophone crammed inside an anthropomorphised musical note. Hope it comes in black.
The latest from Japanese awesomeness creators Maywa Denki: the Otamatone.
Like a stylophone crammed inside an anthropomorphised musical note. Hope it comes in black.
Great article by Frank Santoro on the role of the editor in the world of Graphic Novels.
Some nice anecdotal views into the working relationship Top Shelf's Chris Staros cultivates. As the graphic novel is still almost exclusively viewed as a product of singular vision, editorial guidance and influence is rarely discussed. It's interesting to see the role it may play in the consistency of the work Top Shelf publishes.
Big Contrarian on information overload vs. the attention economy.
This summarizes my own feelings / issues nicely. Also: hooray that posts are appearing at Big Contrarian again – always the best quality.
Worth it for this quote alone: "The photographers are the worst. Basically the only thing they’re interested in shooting is ruin porn.”
Weirdly off-topic TechCrunch post highlighting Ann Arbor.
It's interesting that this happened at all, but boy do the nerds in the comments hate Michigan (the state, not the school). Sad times.
Great, candid Daniel Clowes interview by Mike Sacks.
On the response to his serial strip in the Sunday New York Times Magazine: "I've received more of a response to Christmas cards that I've sent."
Ryan Coons presents a copy of “How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way” to Rob Liefield.
This is maybe only funny to people who were immersed in comics during Liefield's reign of terror, but to these people, it is very funny.