40 solid minutes of Fugazi reacting to and interacting with crowds.
A+. They need to release this officially. Also: best way to turn non-fans onto Fugazi?
40 solid minutes of Fugazi reacting to and interacting with crowds.
A+. They need to release this officially. Also: best way to turn non-fans onto Fugazi?
YouTube: Easily the most involved videogame-based cover of a Queen song ever.
The amount of work on display here is obscene.
Exploring differences in Lego nomenclature.
Since there are no 'Official' names for the various pieces, naming conventions emerge. No wonder software people love lego.
Chris Hatfield has constructed the Britt Daniel Soundboard, and it is hilarious.
Distilling the building blocks of Spoon songs to their basest molecules.
Lego fan outraged by minute changes to the ‘flame’ piece.
The comments, dissecting the removal of two pegs from an obscure part, are the best thing. All this from Klocki, the very best Lego blog I have yet found. If you're into that kind of thing.
Pete Wentz interviews Chris Ware.
There is no weirder thing.
Metafilter’s Matt Haughey on the entrepreneurial Case for national healthcare.
"I still know scientists, programmers, designers, photographers, and musicians that hold jobs and dream of someday walking away to work on their real dreams, but the question of how on earth will they pay for healthcare is a major hurdle. I don't see how someone could be strongly pro-business and not see an upside to extending the already existing national healthcare for seniors down to age zero. How many more Googles, Facebooks, and Twitters are we missing with the way things are?"
The latest from Japanese awesomeness creators Maywa Denki: the Otamatone.
Like a stylophone crammed inside an anthropomorphised musical note. Hope it comes in black.
Great article by Frank Santoro on the role of the editor in the world of Graphic Novels.
Some nice anecdotal views into the working relationship Top Shelf's Chris Staros cultivates. As the graphic novel is still almost exclusively viewed as a product of singular vision, editorial guidance and influence is rarely discussed. It's interesting to see the role it may play in the consistency of the work Top Shelf publishes.
Big Contrarian on information overload vs. the attention economy.
This summarizes my own feelings / issues nicely. Also: hooray that posts are appearing at Big Contrarian again – always the best quality.